Politics, War and Leadership Agendas in Olusegun Obasanjo’s My Command


  • Olubukola S. Adesina Olubukola S. Adesina
  • Chuka Ononye University of Ibadan
  • Godwin J. Idiku University of Ibadan


History, Nigerian Civil War, politics, transformational leadership, memoir, unity


Effective leadership is crucial for guidance towards shared objectives. This study analyses Olusegun Obasanjo’s memoir, My Command: An Account of the Nigerian Civil War, 1967-1970, to explore its significance in understanding the intersections of politics, war, and leadership. Obasanjo’s role as a military commander during the Nigerian Civil War offers valuable insights into leadership dynamics in challenging contexts. Despite provoking severe criticisms, scholarly attention to the memoir remains limited. Using transformational leadership theory, this study undertakes a textual analysis of My Command, highlighting Obasanjo’s leadership principles and their impact on actions and decisions during the conflict. The memoir illuminates power dynamics, war realities, and the importance of effective leadership in crises. Also, Obasanjo emphasises national unity as the bedrock of stability and progress. The memoir serves as a valuable resource for political education, providing insights into Nigeria’s history, politics, and the role of effective leadership and unity for national development.




How to Cite

Adesina, O. S., Ononye, C., & Idiku, G. J. (2024). Politics, War and Leadership Agendas in Olusegun Obasanjo’s My Command . RESEARCH IN PRAGMATICS, 3(2), 67–87. Retrieved from https://journal.pragmaticsng.org/index.php/r/article/view/13